Reasoning Aptitude 


                         Blood Relations




Important terms :


Mother's or Father's Brother - Uncle

Mother's or Father's Sister - Aunt

Mother's or Father's Father - Grand Father

Mother's or Father's Mother - Grand Mother

Grand Father's or Grand Mother's Brother - Grand Uncle

Grand Father's or Grand Mother's Sister - Grand Aunt

Children's Children(Grand Son, Grand Daughter) - Grand Children

Uncle or Aunt's Son/Daughter - Cousin

Son's Wife - Daughter-in-law

Daughter's  Husband - Son-in-law

Sister's or Brother's Son - Nephew

Sister's or Brother's Daughter - Niece

Husband's or Wife's Brother or Sister's Husband - Brother-in-law

Husband's or Wife's Sister or Brother Wife - Sister-in-law




Important Terms:


Children of the same parent - Siblings

Paternal relatives - Father side relations

Maternal relatives - Mother side relations

One's husband/wife - Spouse



1. Pointing to a photograph, a woman says, "This man's son's sister is my mother-in-law." How is the woman's husband related to the man in the photograph ?




C.Son in law



Answer: Option A




Blood Relation Analysis :


Man's son sister : Man's daughter

So Man's daughter is the mother of woman's husband. Thus, the woman's husband is the grandson.

So the woman's husband is the grandson of the man in photograph




2.Pointing to a man in photograph, a woman said, "His brother's father is the only son of my grandfather." How is the woman related to the man in the photograph ?







Answer And Explanation

Answer: Option A




Blood Relation Analysis :

Only son of woman grandfather = Woman Father

Man's brother father = Man's father


So Woman is man's Sister



3. . A man pointing to a photograph says, "The lady in the photograph is my nephew's maternal grandmother." How is the lady in the photograph related to the man's sister who has no other

sister ?







Answer And Explanation

Answer: Option C




Blood Relation Analysis :


Man's Nephew maternal grandmother will be man's mother.



4. Pointing to a gentleman, Shalini said, "His only brother is the father of my son’s father." How is the gentleman related to Shalini ?.







Answer And Explanation

Answer: Option B




Analysis of Blood Relation:


Father of my son’s father -> Shalini's Father in law

Shalini's Father-in-law brother -> Shalini's Uncle



5. Pointing to a man, a woman said, "His mother is the only daughter of my mother." How is the woman related to the man ?





D.Grand Mother


Answer And Explanation

Answer: Option A




Blood relation Analysis :

only daughter of my mother -> means herself


So she is his mother.



6. Pointing to a girl in photograph. Amar said, "Her mother's brother is the only son of my mothers's father." How the girl's mother related to Amar ?







Answer And Explanation

Answer: Option C




Blood Relation Analysis:


Only son of my Mother's father -> Amar maternal Uncle


So Girl's maternal uncle is the Amar's maternal uncle. Thus, the Girl's mother is Amar's Aunt.



7. Pointing to a gentleman, Deepak said," His only brother is the father of my daughter's father." How is gentleman related to Deepak ?





C.Grand Father



Answer And Explanation

Answer: Option D




Blood Relation Analysis :


Father of my daughter's Father = Deepak Father


Brother of Deepak's father = Deepak's Uncle



8. Looking at the portrait of a man, Harsh said, "His mother is the wife of my father's son. I have no brothers or sisters." At whose portrait was Harsh was looking ?



A.His child

B.His father

C.His grandson

D.His nephew


Answer And Explanation

Answer: Option A




Blood relation Analysis :


Have no brother's or sister, so Harsh is single child


Wife of father's son -> His wife


His wife is mother of the person whose portrait is. So portrait is of his child.




9.Pointing to a woman, Abhijit said, "Her granddaughter is the only daughter of my brother." How is the woman related to Abhijit?


A. Sister

B. Grandmother

C. Mother-in-law

D. Mother


Answer: Option D




Daughter of Abhijit's brother → niece of Abhijit. Thus the granddaughter of the woman is Abhijit's niece.


Hence, the woman is the mother of Abhijit



10. Veena who is the sister-in-law of Ashok, is the daughter-in-law of Kalyani. Dheeraj is the father of Sudeep who is the only brother of Ashok. How Kalyani is related to Ashok?


A. Mother-in-law

B. Aunt

C. Wife

D. None of these


Answer: Option D




Ashok is the only brother of Sudeep and Veena is the sister-in-law of Ashok. Hence Veena is the wife of Sudeep. Kalyani is the mother-in-law of Veena. Kalyani is the mother of Ashok.



11. If A + B means A is the sister of B; A x B means A is the wife of B, A % B means A is the father of B and A - B means A is the brother of B. Which of the following means T is the daughter of P?


A. P x Q % R + S - T

B. P x Q % R - T + S

C. P x Q % R + T - S

D. P x Q % R + S + T


Answer: Option B




P x Q → P is the wife of Q


Q % R → Q is the father of R


R - T → R is the brother of T


T + S → T is the sister of S.


Therefore, T is the daughter of P.




12. If A + B means A is the brother of B; A x B means A is the son of B; and A % B means B is the daughter of A then which of the following means M is the maternal uncle of N?


A. M + O x N

B. M % O x N + P

C. M + O % N

D. None of these


Answer: Option D




Because the sex of O is not known.



13. If A + B means A is the father of B; A - B means A is the brother B; A % B means A is the wife of B and A x B means A is the mother of B, which of the following shows that M is the maternal grandmother of T?


A. M x N % S + T

B. M x N - S % T

C. M x S - N % T

D. M x N x S % T


Answer: Option A




M x N → M is the mother of N


N % S → N is the wife of S


and S + T → is the father of T.


Hence, M is the maternal grandmother of T



14. If P $ Q means P is the brother of Q; P # Q means P is the mother of Q; P * Q means P is the daughter of Q in A # B $ C * D, who is the father?



A. D

B. B

C. C

D. Data is inadequate


Answer: Option A




A is the mother of B, B is the brother of C and C is the daughter of D. Hence, D is the father.


A      (Parents)        D

|                                 |

|                                 |

B - is - Brother - of - C




15. If A + B means B is the brother of A; A x B means B is the husband of A; A - B means A is the mother of B and A % B means A is the father of B, which of the following relations shows that Q is the grandmother of T?


A. Q - P + R % T

B. P x Q % R - T

C. P x Q % R + T

D. P + Q % R - T


Answer: Option A




Q - P → Q is the mother of P


P + R → R is the brother of P


Hence, → q is the mother of R


R % T → R is the father of T.


Hence, Q is the grandmother of T.


16.If A + B means A is the brother of B; A % B means A is the father of B and A x B means A is the sister of B. Which of the following means M is the uncle of P?


A. M % N x P

B. N x P % M

C. M + S % R % P

D. M + K % T x P


Answer: Option D




M + K → M is the brother of K


K % T → K is the father of T


T x P → T is the sister of P


Therefore, K is the father of P and M is the uncle of P.



17. A3P means A is the mother of P

A4P means A is the brother of P

A9P means A is the husband of P

A5P means A is the daughter of P


Which of the following means that K is the mother-in-law of M?


A. M9N3K4J

B. M9N5K3J

C. K5J9M3N

D. K3J9N4M


Answer: Option B




M9N → M is the husband of N


N5K → N is the daughter of K


Hence, → M is the son-in-law of K


K3J → K is the mother of J


Hence, → K is a lady


Hence, → K is the mother-in-law of M.



18. If A $ B means A is the brother of B; A @ B means A is the wife of B; A # B means A is the daughter of B and A * B means A is the father of B, which of the following indicates that U is the father-in-law of P?


A. P @ Q $ T # U * W

B. P @ W $ Q * T # U

C. P @ Q $ W * T # U

D. P @ Q $ T # W * U


Answer: Option A




P @ Q → P is the wife of Q ...(1)


Q $ T → Q is the brother of T ...(2)


T # U → T is the daughter of U


Hence, → Q is the son of U ...(3)


U * W → U is the father of W.


From (1) and (3), U is the father-in-law of P.



19. B5D means B is the father of D.

B9D means B is the sister of D.

B4D means B is the brother of D.

B3D means B is the wife of D.


Which of the following means F is the mother of K?


A. F3M5K

B. F5M3K

C. F9M4N3K

D. F3M5N3K


Answer: Option A




F3M → F is the wife of M


M5K → M is the father of K


Therefore, F is the mother of K.



20. A $ B means A is the father of B; A # B means A is the sister of B; A * B means A is the daughter of B and A @ B means A is the brother of B. Which of the following indicates that M is the wife of Q?


A. Q $ R # T @ M

B. Q $ R @ T # M

C. Q $ R * T # M

D. Q $ R @ T * M


Answer: Option D




Q $ R → Q is the father of R


R @ T → R is the brother of T


Hence, → Q is the father of T


T * M → T is the daughter of M


Hence, → M is the mother of T


Hence, M is the wife of Q.



21. If M x N means M is the daughter of N; M + N means M is the father of N; M % N means M is the mother of N and M - N means M is the brother of N then P % Q + R - T x K indicates which relation of P to K?


A. Daughter-in-law

B. Sister-in-law

C. Aunt

D. None of these


Answer: Option D




P % Q → P is the mother of Q


Q + R → Q is the father of R


R - T → R is the brother of T


Hence, → Q is the father of T


T x K → T is the daughter of K


Hence, → Q is the husband of K.


Therefore, P is the mother-in-law of K.


22. If P + Q means P is the brother of Q; P x Q means P is the father of Q and P - Q means P is the sister of Q, which of the following relations shows that I is the niece of K?


A. K + Y + Z - I

B. K + Y x I - Z

C. Z - I x Y + K

D. K x Y + I - Z


Answer: Option B




K + Y → K is the brother of Y


Y x I → Y is the father of I


Hence, → K is the uncle of I


and I - Z → I is the sister of Z


Hence, → I is the niece of K.



23. If X + Y means X is the daughter of Y; X - Y means X is the brother of Y; X % Y means X is the father of Y and X x Y means X is the sister of Y. Which of the following means I is the niece of J?


A. J - N % C x I

B. I x C - N % J

C. J + M x C % I

D. I x C + N - J


Answer: Option D




I x C → I is the sister of C


C + N → C is the daughter of N


and N - J → N is the brother of I.


Hence, I is niece of J.



24.  M is the father of N who is the son of V. In order to know the relation of M to P, which of the statement/statements is/are necessary?


P is the brother of V.

The daughter of N is the granddaughter of V.



A. Only (1)

B. Only (2)

C. Either (1) or (2)

D. (1) and (2) both


Answer: Option A




M is the father of N and N is the son of V.


Hence, V is the mother of N.


From (1), P is the brother of V


Therefore, M is the brother-in-law of P because V is the wife of M.



25. A is the son of C; C and Q are sisters; Z is the mother of Q and P is the son of Z. Which of the following statements is true?


A. P and A are cousins

B. P is the maternal uncle of A

C. Q is the maternal grandfather of A

D. C and P are sisters


Answer: Option B




C and Q are sisters and A is the son of C. Hence, C is the mother of A or Z is the mother Q.


Hence, Z is the maternal grandmother of A. P is the son of Z. Hence, P is the maternal uncle ofA.



26. In a family, there are six members A, B, C, D, E and F.


A and B are a married couple, A being the male member. D is the only son of C, who is the brother of A. E is the sister of D. B is the daughter-in-law of F, whose husband has died. How is E related to C ?


A) Sister

B) Daughter

C) Cousin

D) Mother



 Answer & ExplanationAnswer: B) Daughter



A is a male and married to B. So, A is the husband and B is the wife. C is the brother of A. D is the son of C. E. who is the sister of D will be the daughter of C. B is the daughter-in-law of F whose husband has died means F is the mother of A.




Clearly. E is the daughter of C.



27.There are six persons A. B, C, D, E and F. C is the sister of F. B is the brother of E's husband. D is the father of A and grandfather of F. There are two fathers, three brothers and a mother in the group. Who is the mother ?


A) A

B) B

C) C

D) E


 Answer & ExplanationAnswer: D) E



D is father of A and grandfather of F. So, A is father of F.


Thus. D and A are the two fathers. C is the sister of F So. C is the daughter of A.


Since there is only one mother, it is evident that E is the wife of A and hence the mother of C and F.


So, B is brother of A There are three brothers. So. F is the brother of C.


 Clearly, A is E's Husband.




28. A is father of C and D is son of B. E is brother of A. If C is sister of D, how is B related to E ?


A) Daughter

B) Brother

C) Husband

D) Sister-in-law



Answer & ExplanationAnswer: D) Sister-in-law



A is father of C and C is sister of D. So, A is father of D.


But D is son of B. So, B is the mother of D and wife of K Also. E is the brother of A So, B is the sister-in-law of E.




 29. A is the brother of B. B is the brother of C. D is the father of A. Based on these three statements, which of the following statements cannot be definitely true ?


A) B is the brother of A.

B) B is the son of D.

C) A is the brother of C.

D) C is the brother of A.



Answer & ExplanationAnswer: D) C is the brother of A.



A is the brother of B and B is the brother of C. So, C may be the brother or sister of A.



30. Q is the brother of R;


P is the sister of Q;


T is the brother of S;


S is the daughter of R.


Who are the cousins of Q ?


A) R and P

B) P and T

C) Q and T

D) S and T


 Answer & ExplanationAnswer: D) S and T



T is the brother of S, who is the daughter of R. So, T and S are the children of R.


Now. Q is the brother of R. So, T and S are the cousins of Q.




31.  A, B, C, D, E, F and G are members of a family consisting of four adults and three children, two of whom, F and G are girls. A and D are brothers and A is a doctor. E is an engineer married to one of the brothers and has two children. if is married to D and G is their child. Who is C ?


A) A's son

B) E's daughter

C) F's father

D) G's brother



Answer & ExplanationAnswer: A) A's son



E is mamed to A or D. But B is marned to D. Thus, E is married to A.


Thus, A, B, C, D, E are the four adults and C, F, G are the three children in the family. B and D have a child G. A and E have two children. They are C and F Now. only F and G are girls.


So, C is a boy. Thus, C is A's or E's son.



32.  (i) In a family of six persons A, B, C, D, E and F, there are two married couples.


(ii) D is grandmother of A and mother of B.


(iii) C is wife of B and mother of F.


(iv) F is the grand daughter of E.  


Who among the following is one of the couples ?





D) none of these



Answer & ExplanationAnswer: D) none of these



C is wife of B. So, one couple is BC. Now, D in grandmother of A, B is the son of D and his wife C is the mother of F. SO, D is also the grandmother of F But F is the granddaughter of E.


So, E is the grandfather of F and the husband of D. Thus, DF is another couple




33. All the six members of a family A, B, C, D, E and F are travelling together. B is the son of C but C is not the mother of B. A and C are a married couple. E is the brother of C. D is the daughter of A. F is the brother of B.  Who is the mother of B ?


A) D

B) F

C) B

D) A


Answer & ExplanationAnswer: D) A



B is the son of C but C is not the mother of B means C is the father of B. A is marned to C means A is the mother of B. F is brother of B means F is son of A and C. D is daughter of A means D is daughter of A and C


Clearly. A is the mother of B.



34. There is a family of six persons A, B, C, D, E and F. They are Lawyer, Doctor, Teacher, Salesman, Engineer and Accountant There are two married couples in the family. D, the Salesman is married to the Lady Teacher. The Doctor is married to the Lawyer. F, the Accountant is the son of B and brother of E. C, the Lawyer is the daughter-in-law of A. E is the unmarried Engineer. A is the grandmother of F. How is E related to F?


A) Brother

B) Sister

C) Cousin

D) Cannot be determined


 Answer & ExplanationAnswer: D) Cannot be determined



C is the daughter-in-law of A who is the grandmother of F means C is the mother of F. But F is the son of B.


So. B is C's husband. But C, the lawyer is married to the Doctor So. B is the Doctor. F, the Accountant  will be the son of B and C. E is the unmarried Engineer


So. the other mamed couple can be that of grandmother of F i.e, A and D.  But D, the Salesman, is married to the Lady Teacher.


So. D, the Salesman, is the grandfather of F. father of B and the husband of A, the Lady Teacher.


Clearly, from the given data, the relation between E and F cannot be determined.




35. In a family, there are six members A, B, C, D, E and F.


A and B are a married couple, A being the male member. D is the only son of C, who is the brother of A. E is the sister of D. B is the daughter-in-law of F, whose husband has died.


How many male members are there in the family ?


A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4


Answer & ExplanationAnswer: C) 3



A is a male and married to B. So, A is the husband and B is the wife. C is the brother of A. D is the son of C. E, who is the sister of D will be the daughter of C. B is the daughter-in-law of F whose husband has died means F is the mother of A.


A is a male. B. the wife, is female. C. the brother, is male. D. the son, is male. E, the sister, is female. F, the mother, is a female. So, there are three males.



36. A family consists of six members P, Q, R, X, Y and Z. Q is the son of R but R is not mother of Q. P and R are a married couple. Y is the brother of R. X is the daughter of P. Z is the brother of P. How many children does P have ?  


A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4


 Answer & ExplanationAnswer: B) 2



Q is the son of R but R is not the mother. So, R is the Father of Q. P is married to R


So, P is the wife of R and the mother of Q, X is the daughter of P and hence of R and so she is the Sister of Q, Y is the brother of R and Z is the brother of P.


Clearly, Q is the son of P and X is the daughter of P. So, P has two children.



37. A is the son of B, C.  B's sister has a son D and a daughter E. F is the maternal uncle of D. How many nephews does F have ?


A) 0

B) 1

C) 2

D) 3


 Answer & ExplanationAnswer: C) 2



Clearly, F is the maternal uncle of D means F is the brother of D's mother i.e., F is the brother of C. C is the sister of B.


So, F is the brother of B who is A's mother. Thus. F is the maternal uncle of A. So, A and D are the nephews of F i.e., F has two nephews



38.  There are six children playing football, namely A, B, C, D, E and F. A and E are brothers. F is the Sister of E. C is the only son of A's Uncle. B and D are the daughters of the brother of C's father. How is D related to A?


A) Uncle

B) Sister

C) Niece

D) Cousin


Answer & ExplanationAnswer: D) Cousin



Clearly, D's father is the brother of C's father and C's father is A's Uncle. So, D's father is also A's Uncle. Thus, D is A's cousin.



39.  Q's mother is sister of P and daughter of M. S is daughter of P and sister of T.How is M related to T?


A) Father

B) Grandfather

C) Grandmother

D) Either Grandmother or Grandfather


Answer & ExplanationAnswer: D) Either Grandmother or Grandfather



Q's mother is sister of P &  daughter of M.[sex of P and M are not clear]


S is daughter of P and sister of T.  [sex of P and T is not clear]


M's children : Q's mother and P


P's children  :S[female] and T


M is either Grandmother or Grandfather of T




40.  A family consists of six members P, Q, R, S, T and U. There are two married couples. Q is a doctor and the father of T. U is grandfather of R and is a contractor. S is grandmother of T and is a housewife. There is one doctor, one contractor, one nurse, one housewife and two students in the family. Which of the following is definitely a group of male members ?







Answer & ExplanationAnswer: A) QU



Q, the Doctor, is the father of T. S, the Housewife, is the grandmother of T and hence the mother of Q. Since there are only two married couples one being that of Q, the grandfather of R. i.e, U must be married to S. Thus, R and T will be both children of Q and these must be the students So, P, who remains, shall be the wife of Q and she alone can be the nurse. Thus, U must be the contractor


Clearly, for definite the males are Q, the father and U, the grandfather


41.  I. A. B, C. D, E and F are six members of a family.


 II. One couple has parents and their children in the family.


 III. A is the son of C and E is the daughter of A.


 IV. D is the daughter of F who is the mother of E.


 Which of the following pairs is the parents of the couple ?







 Answer & ExplanationAnswer: B) BC



E is the daughter of A and F is the mother of E So, A is the father of E and hence the husband of F. Now,


D is the daughter of F So. D and E are the daughters of A and F Also. A is the son of C.


Now, only B remains Thus. B and C are the parents of A.


Clearly. B and C are the parents of the couple



42.  Showing a man a woman said, "His brother's father is the only son of my grandfather". How is the woman related to the man?


A) Sister

B) Aunt

C) Sister-in-law

D) Daughter-in-law


 Answer & ExplanationAnswer: A) Sister



The man's brother's father means his father is the only son of woman's grandfather


=> grandfather to the man also


=> Woman and the man are brother and sisters.



43. Daya has a brother Anil. Daya is the son of Chandra. Bimal is Chandra's father. In terms of relationship, what is Anil of Bimal ?


A) Son

B) Grandson

C) Brother

D) Grandfather


Answer & ExplanationAnswer: B) Grandson



Anil is the brother of Daya and Days is the son of Chandra.


So, Anil is the son of Chandra Now, Bimal is the father of Chandra.


So, Anil is the grandson of Bimal.




44.  If 'A $ B' means 'A is brother of B', 'A @ B' means 'A is wife of B', 'A #B' means ' A is daughter of B' and 'A * B' means 'A is father of B', then which of the following expressions indicates the relationship 'U is father-in-law of P ?


A) P@Q$T#U*W

B) P@Q$T#W*U

C) P@W$Q*T#U

D) P@Q$W*T#U


 Answer & ExplanationAnswer: A) P@Q$T#U*W



Here the P is the wife of Q who is brother of T who is daughter of U.


That implies P is wife of U's son Q => U is father-in-law of P.



45.  Deepak said to Nitin, "That boy playing with the football is the younger of the two brothers of the daughter of my father's wife." How is the boy playing football related to Deepak ?


A) Son

B) Brother

C) Cousin

D) Nephew



Answer & ExplanationAnswer: B) Brother



Father's wife — Mother;  Mother's daughter — Sister;  Sister's younger brother — My younger brother.


So, the boy is Deepak's brother.




46. There are six persons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. 3 is the sister of 6. 2 is the brother of 5's husband. 4 is the father of 1 and grandfather of 6. There are two fathers, three brothers and a mother in the group. Which of the following is a group of brothers ?


A) 1, 2, 3

B) 3, 2, 6

C) 1, 2, 4

D) 1, 2, 6



Answer & ExplanationAnswer: D) 1, 2, 6



4 is father of 1 and grandfather of 6. So, 1 is father of 6. Thus, 4 and 1 are the two fathers.

3 is the sister of 6. So, 3 is the daughter of 1. Since there is only one mother, it is evident

that 5 is the wife of 1 and hence the mother of  3 and 6. So, 2 is brother of 1. There are three brothers. So, 6 is the brother of 3. Hence, 2 and 1 are brothers. 6 is the brother of 3. So, three brothers are 1, 2, 6.



47.  B3D means B is the father of D.

B7D means B is the sister of D.

B2D means B is the brother of D.

B1D means B is the wife of D.


Which of the following means F is the mother of K?


A) F3M1K

B) F9M4N3K

C) K3M4N5F

D) F1M3K


 Answer & ExplanationAnswer: D) F1M3K



From the given information,


F1M → F is the wife of M

M3K → M is the father of K

Therefore, F is the mother of K.



48. Eric is the son of Tom who is the brother of Jerry who is the daughter of Sin. Doremon is the sister of Popoy who is son of Chain. Ivanka is the daughter of Popoy who is the husband of Jerry. Sin is the male person and Chain is the female person.


How is Ivanka related to Eric ?


A) Cousin sister

B) Nephew

C) Niece

D) Daughter

 Answer & ExplanationAnswer: A) Cousin sister



Since Eric's father and Ivanka's mother are Brother and sister,


=> Ivanka is Eric's Aunt Daughter => Cousin Sister.



49.  A is father of X ; B is mother of Y. The sister of X and Z is Y. Which of the following statements is definitely not true ?


A) B is the mother of Z.

B) X is the sister of Z

C) Y is the son of N.

D) B is the wife of A.


 Answer & ExplanationAnswer: C) Y is the son of N.



A is the father of X and Y is the sister of X. So. Y is the daughter of A.



50.  If [P @ Q] means [P is wife of Q], [P+Q] means [P is father of Q] and [P - Q] means [P is sister of Q] then in [G+ H - R @ D], how is G related to D ?


A) Son-in-law

B) Grand father

C) Father-in-law

D) Brother


 Answer & ExplanationAnswer: C) Father-in-law



"G is father in law of D"

G+H means G is father of H

H is either son or daughter of G

H-R means H is sister of R

R@D means R is wife of D

so H and R are sisters

and daughters of G

so husband of R i.e. D is son in law of G

or G is father in law of D


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