
Showing posts from September, 2021




  The logical reasoning section is an important part of competitive exams. It contains different types of reasoning questions that are intended to judge the analytical and logical reasoning skills of the candidate. The logical reasoning questions can be verbal or non-verbal: In verbal logical reasoning questions, the concepts and problems are expressed in words. The candidates are required to read and understand the given text or paragraph and according choose the right answer from the given options. In non-verbal logical reasoning questions, the concepts and problems are expressed in the form of figures, images or diagrams and the candidates are required to understand them before choosing the right answer out of the given options. तार्किक तर्क खंड प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है। इसमें विभिन्न प्रकार के तर्कपूर्ण प्रश्न होते हैं जो अभ्यर्थी के विश्लेषणात्मक और तार्किक तर्क कौशल का न्याय करने के लिए होते हैं। तार्किक तर्क वाले प्रश्न मौखिक या गैर-मौखिक हो सकते हैं: म


  DIRECTIONS CONCEPT AND LOGICAL REASONING HELPS TO CRACK INTERVIEW QUESTION ANSWERS, 50 + QUESTION WITH EXPLANATION GIVES PROPER INFORMATION Directions are part of logical reasoning. It is one of the most commonly found topics in almost all the entrance exams. The topic requires analytical and logical skills to solve the questions. Mastering the directions topic will help in gaining the expertise in seating arrangement. Directions is one of the most common topics in the competitive exam syllabus, and at least 2-4 questions are frequently asked in the various exams. 1. A man is facing towards west and turns through 45degree clockwise again 180 degree clockwise then turns through 270degree anti clockwise.In which direction is he facing now? 1)South west 2)North west 3)South 4)West 5)Cannot be determined Answer Answer – 1) South west Explanation : 2. Sam go North ,Turn right and again turn right then go to the left .In which direction Sam now? 1)South 2)West


                                       Reasoning Aptitude                               Blood Relations       Important terms :   Mother's or Father's Brother - Uncle Mother's or Father's Sister - Aunt Mother's or Father's Father - Grand Father Mother's or Father's Mother - Grand Mother Grand Father's or Grand Mother's Brother - Grand Uncle Grand Father's or Grand Mother's Sister - Grand Aunt Children's Children(Grand Son, Grand Daughter) - Grand Children Uncle or Aunt's Son/Daughter - Cousin Son's Wife - Daughter-in-law Daughter's  Husband - Son-in-law Sister's or Brother's Son - Nephew Sister's or Brother's Daughter - Niece Husband's or Wife's Brother or Sister's Husband - Brother-in-law Husband's or Wife's Sister or Brother Wife - Sister-in-law       Important Terms:   Children of the same parent - Siblings Paternal relatives - Father side relations Maternal relatives - Mother side re